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ImpactAssurance Serves Homeowners in Quebec Comprehensive Home Insurance

In your lifetime, your home will easily be one of your biggest purchases. In the province of Quebec, home insurance coverage isn’t mandated but we highly advise its purchase to preserve your family’s sanctuary and place of memories. ImpactAssurance is here to meet your home insurance needs and straighten out any parts of your policy that may be confusing to you. After all, our mission is your satisfaction – and we’ll do what it takes to give you peace-of-mind.

In Quebec, home insurance is designed to protect your homebase against common, unexpected events. Here at ImpactCo, our mission is to offer the best protection at the best price. Get a quote or ask us a question directly and let us guide you to a solution. If you’re already insured, we’ll help you find a better rate thanks to our access to a highly competitive market.

What Your Standard Quebec Home Insurance Policy Covers:

Every home insurance policy in Quebec may be different, depending on what the policyholder chooses to include and/or their individual coverage limits. Different insurance carriers may offer different types of coverage and endorsements to help supplement your protection plan. As a general rule of thumb, a standard Quebec homeowner’s insurance policy may cover:

Personal Property Coverage

As part of a standard homeowner’s policy, personal property coverage includes protection for your possessions against insurable perils. This means any furniture, clothing, electronics listed on your policy. For special valuables, such as jewelry collections or high-value antique items, you may need to purchase a special rider to ensure that they can be covered under your policy if anything should happen. Your Quebec home insurance may extend coverage to your belongings both inside your home and wherever you take them on your travels.

Physical Damages Coverage

Unlike renter’s and tenant insurance, your home insurance in Quebec includes physical damages coverage if your home is ever hit by a storm, fire, is ever broken into and/or vandalized, etc. It can cost you a lot out-of-pocket to pay for your home’s repairs/restoration. It is highly advisable to work with a broker to determine your property’s replacement cost if a fire or devastating natural event ever occurs to ensure that your coverage is adequate.

Third-Party Liability Coverage

In the event you should ever be held responsible for a third-party’s injury or property damage – say, if you were hosting a summer party at your home and someone slipped and fell on the wet concrete bordering your pool – your home insurance would help to cover your legal costs should they decide to take legal action against you. It can cover repair and replacement costs, medical bills, and legal/defense costs if the event is taken to a court-of-law. 

Home Insurance Rates & Calculations: How it Works

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you aren’t insured yet or if you are insured and aren’t satisfied with your rates, we’ll help you get competitive quotes in a top-rated market. Home insurance rates are calculated based off your risk profile and the coverage you select. In essence, it comes down to how likely you are to make a claim and what your policy limits are. 

You’ll find that these factors will influence your rates:

  • Your credit score (with some companies)
  • Your home’s age
  • Your home’s systems (plumbing, electrical, heating, etc.)
  • Your home’s roof
  • Your geographical location
  • Your proximity to the nearest fire hydrant/station
  • Your proximity to the nearest large body of water
  • Crime rates in your area
  • Your insurance history
  • …and more!

Sometimes, factors out of our control may impact our rates (and sometimes negatively.) This includes things like inflation, rising rebuild costs, global warming increasing the frequency of natural disasters impacting properties around the world, and rates of insurance fraud. Luckily, ImpactAssurance will do its best to meet your needs to ensure you can get competitive rates despite factors out of our control.

Quebec Home Insurance FAQs

Home insurance can be confusing. ImpactAssurance values your satisfaction above all else and wants to straighten out any confusion that there may be. See our FAQs listed and answered below, or give us a call to ask us any question you may have that isn’t addressed here.

How much does home insurance in Quebec cost?

On average, residents of Quebec may pay between $1,200-$1,500/year for their home insurance. No one homeowner may pay the same, being that home insurance costs are gauged based on risk profile and every policy is designed differently. 

How do I get the best home insurance in Quebec?

The “best” home insurance in Quebec is a subjective phrase, considering that everyone will have different needs. Getting better home insurance may mean enhancing your coverage to ensure everything you own is sufficiently protected from exposures. Consider endorsements like flood or earthquake insurance. If you’re looking for affordability, your best bet is to work with a brokerage like ImpactCo to find competitive rates that are unparalleled in the insurance sphere.

Is it required to have home insurance in Quebec?

No, it isn’t. Unless you have a mortgage – in which case your lender may ask that you provide proof of insurance before they agree to finance you – it is only a recommendation. Still, there are too many circumstances where having home insurance can spare you and your family from financial hardship, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. ImpactCo will work with you to help you find affordable rates.

What does home insurance cover in Quebec?

Unlike auto insurance in Quebec, home insurance is purchased through private carriers and a standard policy will cover three major items: the house itself, i.e. your physical structure (as well as any detached sheds or garages and private fixtures), your personal belongings, and your third-party liability. Endorsements may enhance your existing coverage to include high-value possessions and perils not ordinarily covered by your standard policy, like earthquakes and flooding.

Do I need earthquake insurance in Quebec?

There are only two provinces in Canada which have been identified by the Insurance Bureau of Canada as major earthquake zones. Too few of homeowners have purchased earthquake endorsements. Some insurance carriers may not offer earthquake insurance due to the risk, but it’s not a bad idea to discuss with your broker or provider about the benefits of this coverage.

What isn’t covered by my home insurance in Quebec?

Things like civil unrest, government actions, intentional damages, and flooding/earthquakes (without having an endorsement first) are typically not covered by your home insurance in Quebec. By definition, home insurance covers only unexpected events – not wear-and-tear, so it is your duty to keep up the maintenance around your home. Infestations, which are typically due to a lack of maintenance, may also not be insurable. 

How can I keep my rates for Quebec home insurance low?

There are a few ways. Number one is to work with a brokerage like ImpactCo to get competitive rates. Another few tips are as follows:

  • Raise your deductible amount. This will directly impact your rates.
  • Submit to a credit check. This is optional with most insurers but a good credit score may reduce your overall rates.
  • Install an alarm system. This will deter thieves and may reward you with a discount as insurance companies like to see steps towards preventing theft.
  • Update your home’s systems. Older systems are more likely to cause issues/even start residential fires, so keep up with those renovations.
  • Bundle your insurance policies through a single provider. Return customers will typically be rewarded with loyalty discounts of up to 15%. 
  • Slash unnecessary coverage. Work with a broker to determine where coverage can be cut, as you wouldn’t want to cut important protection.