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ImpactAssurance Sells Affordable Auto Insurance to Quebec Drivers

Canadian provinces have a few ways that they offer auto insurance in different provinces. Some provinces use private insurers, whereas others offer it from crown corporations. Uniquely, Quebec utilizes both. This is called a “dual” insurance system. The government (SAAQ) offers mandatory coverage in the form of bodily injury liability coverage. SAAQ only offers mandatory coverage, whereas private insurers offers civil liability (which is also mandatory), collision, comprehensive, and all the additional fixings that you may need.

So why buy insurance through a private insurer? ImpactAssurance sells affordable auto insurance in Quebec that enhances your existing coverage and protects your vehicle from accidental damages as a result of a collision or event that you were involved in. There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the way that Quebec’s dual auto insurance system works, so we’ll help answer any questions you may have along the way. Start with a free, easy quote.

What a Quebec Auto Insurance Policy Can Cover?

There’s no “standard” auto insurance policy in Quebec, given the dual system, and it’s expected that every driver will already carry the mandatory bodily injury insurance that is supplied by SAAQ. Through the private system, drivers must purchase civil liability insurance, as well as optionally the loss of and/or damages to an insured automobile, and a variety of endorsements. Your policy can include:

Civil Liability Insurance

Civil liability insurance is mandatory and is only offered through private insurers. It offers financial coverage for damage to someone else’s property that was the result of an accident. In Quebec, there is a requirement that every driver carry at least $50,000 in civil liability insurance, but most insurers recommend increasing this amount to around $1,000,000. Costs in a civil liability case can add up very rapidly and it costs little to add to your insurance.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage, which is optional and purchased through a private insurer, is designed to cover your car against physical damages that may occur because of a collision with another vehicle or stationary object. It’s a great option to have, but it can be stripped for older vehicles that may be more expensive to replace than they are worth. 

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage is also optional and is purchased through a private insurer. It is designed to cover your vehicle against damages that would occur as a result of things other than collision, such as hail damage, fire, storm damage, theft, and vandalism. 

Quebec Auto Insurance Rates & Calculations: How it Works

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you aren’t insured yet or if you are insured and aren’t satisfied with your rates, we’ll help you get competitive quotes in a top-rated market. Home insurance rates are calculated based off your risk profile and the coverage you select. In essence, it comes down to how likely you are to make a claim and what your policy limits are. 

ImpactCo prioritizes your satisfaction above all else. If you are not currently insured, or if you are insured elsewhere but would like lower rates, we’re happy to help you get competitive quotes in a top-rated market. Like with any other insurance product, your rates are determined based on your risk profile, as well as the coverage options that you choose. It boils down to your likelihood of making a claim, as well as your selected coverage limits.

The following factors may affect your rates:

  • Your driving record
  • The make of your car
  • The model of your car
  • The year of your car
  • How far your drive
  • What you use your car for
  • Where you live
  • Who drives your car
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your insurance history

Auto insurance in Quebec is some of the cheapest of all provinces thanks to the dual system, but if you are dissatisfied with the price you are paying, you can certainly work with a broker to make some small changes and reduce your overall rates. We’d be happy to help you in whatever way we can – whether that’s giving you advice or helping you shop around. 

Quebec Auto Insurance FAQs

We want to get you the best protection at the best price – that’s our mission. We also want you to understand what you’re covered for, so if an accident ever does occur, you’re aware of what you need to do. If you’re already insured, we’re confident we can find you a better rate. See our FAQs for more information on auto insurance in Quebec.

How much does auto insurance in Quebec cost?

Quebec auto insurance is among the cheapest of provinces when it comes to car insurance rates, reigning in at roughly $650-$800/year. This is from the latest stats from the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

Why work with an auto insurance broker in Quebec?

To get access to competitive markets that aren’t available to the public. Brokers can get to know you personally to understand what your coverage needs are, how you drive, and what your budget is like and go from there. They’ll also negotiate on your behalf in the event of a claim and may help to expedite the process. They do work on commission, but the amount they charge is negligible next to your overall savings.

What types of auto insurance in Quebec are mandated?

Civil liability and bodily injury. This is to protect both yourself, your passengers, and others on the road. The province mandates a certain minimum for both coverages, although most insurance companies recommend a higher limit to ensure adequate protection.

What does my auto insurance deductible do?

Your deductible is basically your allotted percentage of risk. The higher amount, the more you’ll payout in the event of a claim but the lower your insurance premiums will be. Your liability component of your insurance is not subject to a deductible.

Can I get Quebec auto insurance without a license?

No, you will need to provide a valid driver’s license in Quebec in order to purchase auto insurance. This is also the case for when you want to renew your vehicle’s registration.

Can I travel in Ontario with Quebec auto insurance?

Car insurance is valid for travel into Canada and into the United States. Your car insurance will follow you wherever you go. However, the amount of time your car insurance will cover you for many vary depending on the provider. Typically, the limit is two months. You may also need to inform your broker to determine the extents of your coverage before you go. 

How do I get cheaper auto insurance in Quebec?

There are a few ways to reduce your auto insurance rates in Quebec. Work with a broker, and consider the following tips:

  • Choose a higher deductible amount. This will result in lower premiums.
  • Practice good driving habits. Fewer claims will mean your insurance company will not raise your rates as much as they would if you were making regular claims. Speeding tickets and convictions can also result in increased premiums.
  • Drive less. Opt for public transport or carpool more. Reduced mileage may result in reduced premiums, as more time on the road exposes you to a higher chance of being in an accident.
  • Drop collision and comprehensive coverage for older vehicles.
  • Shop around for insurance. Work with a broker to do this.
  • Take a defensive driving course.
  • Ask about eligible discounts.
  • Install a car alarm.